The extraordinary reunion of Kurdish virtuoso musicians, coming from Irak, Iran ou Turquey.
Hussein Zahawy, an iraqi percussionist and the artistic director of the project, wanted to reunite different Kurdish protagonists under the same banner. Accompanied with Sohrab Pournazeri, the iranian master of Kamanché, Goran Kamil (oud), Erlan Tekin (Zorna) and Myrian Ebrahimpour (vocals), Zahawy succeded in that task.
Two french musicians, Robin Vassy (percussions) and Leila Renault (doublebass) take part of the project.
Distribution :
Sohrab Pournazeri : tanbur, kamanché, vocals (composition)
Hussein Zahawy : percussions (aristitic direction)
Maryam Ebrahimpour : vocals
Goran Kamil : oud, vocals
Ertan Tekin : zorna, balaban, duduck
Robin Vassy : percussions
Leïla Renault : doublebass
Collection VOX POPULI
AC-150 - 2013